A Micro-Holiday for the Eyes


A long and a short necklace. Copper, glass and stone.

Jewelry is easier to sell than paintings. From a practical point of view, it’s clear: it’s easier to accommodate a small, affordable work than a large canvas. Someone once told me that people buy jewelry even in tough times because it can lift the spirit. I am curious about this power. How does it do that? Maybe because we like (need) eye food. Looking at, and holding jewelry is an intimate experience. A meditation of sorts, a right brain micro-holiday; and I think most of my supporters have magpie traits, too.

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I am an artist, (over)thinker, backyard philosopher, mom, partner, dog and cat lovin', multi-national earthling who likes writing and making things.

2 thoughts on “A Micro-Holiday for the Eyes”

  1. Yeah, good point there . . . Hard to say why exactly jewelry lifts the spirit, but it certainly can do that. I love my necklaces, and am always buying more. Part of it has to do with the question of showing off one’s style, of course, but I think there’s more to it. It’s the beauty in the colors and shapes of the jewelry, the sounds it makes, the way it moves against your body . . . it’s a very sensual experience — and it’s also one that expresses a side of us. So yeah, quite powerful . . .


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